It has been quite a while since I last updated my blog.  A lot has happened in the last 4 months and everything is changing once again.  And for the better.

I posted a comment on FB the other day because I was fed up with always being fed the line 'Well, that's just the way life goes!'  To be honest, that line is a phony, baloney lie!  

Life is what you make of it.  Of course there are waiting periods etc, but that doesn't mean that we have to sit by on idle while we wait for God to move in our lives.  And yes, I'm preaching to myself too!  Because I do this.  

In a time of waiting, I tend to get into the habit of doing nothing.  God has been teaching me differently - which is where change comes in.  My flesh stomps its feet and says I don't want to and my spirit takes a look at me and says You're going to do it anyway with a bit of a laugh.  Kind of funny how that all works out...

So, I've started a new business.  I don't know much about it yet, but what I am learning has me fired up and ready to go.  Somehow, I just know that this is exactly what I was waiting for.

I've always known that God had a huge plan for my life.  I just didn't know where, when or how it was going to happen.  I've had dreams about this since I was a child.  And the exciting thing is that I get to help people while I do it.  Now that is truly exciting for me!

Christmas is coming and I'm excited for it!  I'll actually have a little money to spend on family this year!  I'm already planning.  There's new recipes to try and a house to decorate and family coming over.  I don't care what anyone says, there will be turkey on my table this year for Christmas!  I don't care too much for ham lol.

Freedom training week is coming up in a couple of weeks, so I will need to prepare for that.  As well as 'How Christmas Saved The Grinch' that our church is putting on again this year.  I opted to be backstage again because things are flying with the two movie projects that I'm helping out on.

Come January I am really hoping on getting out of my parents house.  My mom can drive me up a wall!  Of course, I tend to drive her up a wall at times too lol!  I need my own space and room to move.  I will be very happy to leave this place :)

For now though, I will just leave everything to God and look to Him as to what I should do

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