So for the past couple of weeks, I have been doing a lot of praying about the decisions that are coming up in my life.  These are major decisions that will change my life and the direction that I'm going in.

I've really been seeking God about the direction in my life in the area of ministry.  I've been volunteering in the 3rd grade room for the last year and a half now.  My ultimate goal has always been to move up with my class through the years and plant myself in the high school room.

I remember when I was in high school and it was a nightmare for me.  I had no one I could really talk to and if I had, some things that have happened in my life might have turned out differently.

God has given me an unconditional love for kids in this area.  My 3rd graders are special and have a LOT of potential.  I am very excited to be moving up with them to the 4th and 5th grade room and to see what God does in their lives....and love on them while they are growing up :)

I've been thinking a lot about love lately.  Jesus said that the first commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul and your strength.  He also said to let the little children come to Him and do not hinder them.  And in order for us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, we need to be just like a child.

Children have such an innocence and a purity about them.  Their love is unconditional.  I find that the more I love God, the more like a child I become.  And I'm not talking about in mannerisms.  I'm talking about in innocence and in purity.  Psalms 51:10 says to 'create in me a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me'.

I love being able to love on my kids and they love to love on me.  If the world could be this way every moment of every day, my life would be complete.  There is nothing that I love to do more than to love on people.  It is what I was created for.

Many times, people get hurt by other people and they build up walls of defense around their hearts.  These walls harden hearts and they become porcupines and they hurt others.  It's a vicious cycle - one that I have learned to break with forgiveness.

Hurt is manifested as fear, which turns into anger and goes into rejection, bitterness, depression etc.  The longer that we choose not to forgive, the more the root grows, until it becomes normal for us to act out of that hurt.  This is where walls are built.

Forgiveness, on the other hand, breaks down those walls and is the beginning of a tender heart.  The ability to love and give love is the second greatest gift that I have ever been given.

I do not claim to know it all or even to have figured everything out.  What I do know is that God's unconditional love for me has helped me more in the healing process than anything else in my life has.

The more I love Him, the more I trust Him and the more I depend on Him for everything, the more that He gives to me - and I am not talking about material possessions - I am talking about love and peace of mind in the midst of my circumstances.  I am also talking about the joy of the Holy Spirit and so many many other promises that He has given me. I want to leap and dance for joy!  I want to sing and press in and drink of His love for me!

Find a little time today to seek God out and let Him love on you!  Be blessed my friends :)

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