Ok, so yesterday I was hit hard with a few things - including the fact that I won't be moving out on June 1st.  It's sort of a bummer, because I was really looking forward to not having to share space with my parents.  I believe that God has other plans though.

I realized that when I was working on budgets and lists to see if I could even move out, it was stressful.  My financial situation is not the best and I've been hit hard by ignorance in my earlier years and a divorce where I was hit with all the bills from that because everything was in my name.  So, you can imagine where things are at financially.

There has been a lot of friction in our house over the years and lately it's been going up and down....and it's the main reason why I want to move out.  But like I said, God has other plans.

As I was sitting here writing down next month's budget and contemplating what's going on with everything, God brought to my attention that I really need to start hitting some of this stuff hard.  

There's a class coming up at my church called Financial Peace University, which is founded by Dave Ramsey.  He's like the financial guru guy.  I have read his books, but find I have a hard time applying them to my life.  Now, I am not sure if I'm just not getting it or if I need someone to hold me accountable or what.  

Step one involves going to this class.  Step two is getting someone who will hold me accountable and go over things with me and pray with me about all this (sorry guys, it definitely has to be a woman for this).  Step three is applying it.  Step four is having a support system - and I am really going to need one!

So when I realized what God was telling me, I started writing.  I wrote down goals, things I need to do, things I want to do, and what I really want to do with my life.  I tell ya, writing things down like this puts some perspective on what's truly important in your life.  

For me, it's doing everything that I can do to further the Kingdom of God.  The Lord is also preparing me for something big.  Waiting for me is like cooking a roast in a slow cooker.  It heats up slowly and throughout the day you can smell that roast cooking.  And you just want to taste it because it smells so good!  But it's not done yet, you have to wait til dinner time.  

That's the hardest part of waiting is when you can "smell" what direction God is pointing you in and you can see the true finish line.  There are lots of obstacles along the way, including false finish lines.  They try to trip you up and slow you down.

Thank God that He's a God of the impossible.  When I look at this mountain of debt that's laid out before me, I remember the verse that says, "The hills melt like wax in the Presence of the Lord." and "Say to the mountain, 'remove yourself and be cast into the sea'.  And it will come to pass to those who do NOT doubt in their hearts".  These are my paraphrases off the top of my head.

Going back to the whole moving out thing, you'd think that I'd feel disappointed.  But the truth is, I only feel peace about it.  Whatever happens doesn't matter - I know that God will take care of me regardless.

I believe that God is going to set me free from some things that have been going on in my life for a number of years.  Your comments, prayer and support are greatly appreciated and welcomed.  Please let me know if I can pray for you for anything that you may be going through.

May God bring blessing and peace into your life and home!